Morning Everyone - and Theland, you old carrot-dangler. My first thought was that, years ago, everyone cooked in lard or butter. Cakes, pastry, pies and fried foods were a normal part of the diet, but people weren't obese. Lack of education has been cited as one of the reasons for the obesity epidemic, but we are bombarded with information now - far more than ever before. Whether people take notice of it is another matter.
The fact is we choose to eat rubbish because it's the easy option - far easier to shove a pizza in the oven or take the kids to McDonalds, than peel potatoes. Our leisure time is spent in front of the TV, or at a computer; few, even children, participate in any form of sport, and we drive the shortest distances - no one walks anywhere any more. We often hear people bleat that they can't afford fresh food, but fresh food is often cheaper than packaged food, and just as an example, Tescos sell two whole chickens for �5, so lack of money isn't a valid excuse. Additionally, many who say they can't afford to buy fresh food still have their Sky TV and their computers - and the kids still have their designer trainers.
As I said, years ago people cooked in lard, but they ate fresh food, and they exercised - even if that exercise only amounted to walking. We now live in a society where convenience is the keyword, and it's a blameless society where everything is the fault of someone or something else - but in this case Palm Oil isn't the culprit