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Olive tree

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denpunk | 20:43 Fri 16th May 2008 | Home & Garden
2 Answers
I live near Glasgow and bought an olive tree in a pot , in March, from Aldi. It is kept indoors in an unheated area and so far seems pretty healthy although it has some sort of "cotton" or furry white stuff on it. What is this?? And what should I feed the chap. There are lots of wee green berries also which drop when shaken, gently. Basiclaly I want to know if all is healthy as it was a 40th gift for my sweet Baboo....?
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sounds a bit like a condition that affects fruit trees - woolly aphis ?
Put it outside, if you still have the woolly aphis or mould, give it a severe spraying over and under to clear the naughties off and then place it in a bright ,fairly sheltered(from the wicked glasgow weather !!) spot. if need be repeat until all traces have been eradicated. Those wee green berries were to be accompaniments to you martinis, better luck next year.

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