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john1066 | 17:04 Sat 03rd Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Norwich City 5, Bristol Rovers 1...Yes ! ! !


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Hi Gumbo...Norwich can play football whatever people say....xx
Norwich are doing much better than Ipswich:-(
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Yippee! Canaries are my second team (after Leicester) and we are in the same position in our respective tables,so my Norfolk dwelling,Carrow Road going sister and I are on speaking terms again and she has given up the sackcloth and ashes.
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Well I suppose I do and all the Norwich fans and ... Sorry I spoke!!! I thought this was a friendly chat site, but I guess it is not for me. Too much preoccupation with smut and bad language maybe. Cheers all. You will be glad to see the back of me mel0ns and quite right too. I should hate you to die of boredom.

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