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Pedestrian Etiquette?

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haysi06 | 14:59 Sat 06th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
I was in town earlier today with my niece and it was hoaching!! It occurred to me that I always try and stay on the left of paths, stairs etc. Is there such a thing as pedestrian etiquette? I know when I'm in London on the underground that you are meant to stay at one side of the escalator to let people past can't remember if its left or right though. If we all stayed left then that would make it less difficult to move around wouldnt it? Or am I havering!


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I always stay on the left. Even if I'm walking with someone I have to be on the left.
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Hi ummm, yep me too, I always stay to the left, except in bed, I sleep on the right hand side.
When riding, you always pass right shoulder to right shoulder. On escalators it makes sense to stand on the left and let those who want to pass do so on the right.
I suppose it makes sense for pedestrians too , although if you are a laydee then the gents should pass on the road side (something to do with not getting splashed from puddles I think from olden days).
on London Underground, you stand on the right of the escalator if you're not walking. I think there are signs to tell you that.
lankeela....exactly......but please do not expect this generation to understand you.

What really p1sses me off is when one opens, or keeps the door open for someone and they pass by without saying "thank you"
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Hi lankeela, aah the age of chivarly!

Hi sara, yep, thats right re the London underground, I must admit I thought it should be the left, and there's been times when people have bolted up the escalator behind me shouting "left!! left!!" when I've not realised that they were telling me that they wer coming through on the left!
what do you expect... this generation have no manners, Sqad.
soc...quite...............and they don't care a toss.
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Hi Sqad. "this generation" meaning?? :P!I agree re people not even acknowledging you when you open a door! I say "thanks" loudly and embarass them lol
And there's me thinking you have to stand on the left on escalators for years. I used to work in Holborn, and it was always a race to see who could get down the escalators quickest.
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I'm goign to start a keep left campaign lol
Yes they do have manners.

My son (10) walked out of a shop without letting an elderly lady in first. He realised what he had done and walked back into the shop and apologised to her.

That's good manners...
Thats very good manners by your son ummmm - most kids would have walked back in and mugged her..........{;0 (
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Got to agree with you there ummm, its not (imo) a generational thing, it's about how you're raised. There are plenty of ill mannered adults too. And with that I'll leave you all to your weekend, hope you have a fabby one. :P
Lol Den.....

I was dragged up with good manners...and I drag my kids up the same way :-) are quite correct it is NOT wholly a generation thing.

When they have passed through without saying thank you I have in a loud voice said " THANK YOU" but they just look at you, stop chewing for a moment, blank idiotic expression and just carry on.

Waste of time.
Sqad - its not only youngsters - some elderley people could do with some manners aswell - many a time I have held shop doors open and been met with a blank look - I too shoutThank You as they go by. I also hate when in a shop or supermarket, and, I stand to one side and let a person go by and they blank you - the same with driving, I always give way if the space is too small for two cars and hate when the other driver (nearly always bloke !) puts their foot down and drives like the clappers past me. They normally get the middle finger gesture from me........

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