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the teacher who was found not guilty of having sex with a young boy should be compensated...

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Bobbisox | 17:25 Mon 19th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
by his parents!!
she says she will never teach again, her life is in ruins by his lies and because there will always be some doubter...and apparently he has tried this type of thing before with other females in authority over the years, he basks in anonymity and this poor woman's life is in shreds
Bobbi ♥


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Would hate to be a teacher these days
Question Author
I wouldn't thats for sure
Poor woman !
How old was the boy poodi just out of interest?
Question Author
16 I believe lardy, too young to be named
Lard i never posted the question think he could have been fifteen?
Question Author
yes 15/16 I think
Oops sorry - that'll teach me not to try & multitask
if he really did "cry wolf" and he has done it before prosecute him for wasting police time.

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the teacher who was found not guilty of having sex with a young boy should be compensated...

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