Most of my photos on my PC are family orientated ie grandchildren.. weddings..... it possible to store them each in a folder under such headings, and then put them all into a master folder marked "Family celebrations" for instance??? At the moment they are all over the place,it's a nightmare keeping track of them!!! Thanks.
open the folder where they are, click the 'file' button at the top of the page and choose 'new' and then 'folder'. You can then right click on the folder and re name it. You then need to select
the files
you want to copy and either use copy/ paste to put them in the new folder or drag and drop them.
yes go into your folder with them all over the place create a load of sub folders and drag and drop each one into it's appropriate folder. Then go up a level and rename the main folder to something like "Family" if it isn't already, sorted.