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Saint Malo

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mollykins | 16:52 Thu 17th Jun 2010 | Travel
10 Answers
What's it like there? any recommendations for things to do or restaurants in the area? We'll take our car, so can travel a few miles outside of the town easily, we're staying in a self catering apartment a few miles from S.M.


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france SS

i'm waiting for dolly to come along....
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France, obviously, if you've neevr heard of it you wouldn't have been there meaning you wouldn't have a relevant answer so saying it's in france is irelevant.
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''France, obviously, if you've neevr heard of it you wouldn't have been there meaning you wouldn't have a relevant answer so saying it's in france is irelevant''

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Ok . . . i don't know what happened there, my other posts haven't gone funny like this, but has anyone got sensible answers?

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Do you know the answer?

Saint Malo

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