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Has anyone heard

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starone | 22:52 Mon 11th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
If Alba's face and mouth are any better. She was in a great deal of pain yesterday and was going either to the doctor or the dentist today. Hopefully she is on the antibiotics by now. Just wondered.


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alba did a quick post today, Star
no, maybe she will post tomorrow.
Question Author
Thanks ttfn and anne. I have been thinking about her on and off all day and wondered how she was.
I am sure she will be ok - just hope the pain is better now and that she can get a good night's sleep. alba - you can have mine tonight ♥
I won't be getting any at this rate ;o)
ttfn.. will you stop moaning about that cuff ! if its working , you have a pulse !!!!!!!!! he he ♥
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Thank goodness we can still laugh, even when in discomfort.
Remember my story about the campervan on my foot, anne?
Well it keeps parking on my leftt arm, every ruddy hour :o( I can't hear the 'audible' alert and it caught me out a few times before I got the kitchen timer going.
I am gonna tell Mamya of you - nerner
i had one, but cant remember if i took it of at night. have you had the 24 hour ecg ? thats a doddle isnt it :)
Anne, that was a bit uncalled for, I do hope you said it in jest.
I was a wreck when I had mine, had skinny arms and it really hurts me.
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never mind, I feel sorry for you ttfn Just keep thinking it is all to help you and find out exactly what is wrong so that they can make it better.
mamy. i didnt mean for a second to be crass to ttfn. and if i was i am so sorry.
I had a 7 day ecg test, anne. That was not great either, as I had a reaction to the hypoallergenic plasters they used - 2 devils. Looked like I had been swimming with jellyfish. Big Sis was horrified when I took the plasters off. Is it any wonder i take liquid medicine.
I *have* skinny arms.
Understood Anne, she is a bugger to live when she has the bottom lip on.
anne - no worries, I know you care. If I didn't have my soh I would have gone long ago, Star. I only hang on to exercise my wit - or as someone said this week 'my famous tongue being unleashed' ROFL
mamy is correct ttfn a bit ott.............. night night.
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Oh ttfn, that is lovely. I would love to have a famous tongue to unleash. You must be very proud. :-)
anne - sweet dreams and ttfn xx
I love words, Star, and to exercise my tongue is just grand :o)

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