It just goes to show that those who hit the jackpot in the entertainment business risk losing all sense of value. Many seem to think the massive riches they are given for a bit of entertaining is 'right', when compared to those who merely do something more worthwhile for their fellows, for a pittance. Unfortunately this is a weakness of the capitalist system. If someone came up with something better it would be worth considering.
To be Jonathan Ross you need a degree of ego, otherwise you would not believe yourself able to do what he does.
He is hardly likely to say "WEll, actually, I wasn't worth anything like what i was paid ..." which will simply lay him open to howls of righteous anger from licence payers.
Mr Ross does not subscribe to the odious British habbit of public self-deprication - and I applaud him for it.
Its the people who think and pay him these extraordinary amounts that worry me. There are many other people on this planet who could do the same job for half his salary.