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nearly there -thanks for last lot !

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pantonsteve | 21:17 Thu 16th Feb 2012 | Crosswords
6 Answers
outstanding commander [4] ?o?? boss?

winter runner [8] ?t????o? - if boss is correct then this gives starting letter s so thinking stallion ?

taste a kiss [5] ?m???

the importance of money perhaps [4] n???

this ran out of place [4] ?L??

some privileges tyrant will discharge [5] ?g???


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1 boss

3 smack
4 note

6 egest
Maybe tops?
This ran, maybe also?
Is that now 16 clues you've ask to be answered? What's the point in doing the puzzle in the first place if you're going to have so many answers just given? Sorry, I just don't get it.

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nearly there -thanks for last lot !

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