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Hi Tonyav

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gness | 17:10 Sun 28th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
78 Answers
Emailed you yesterday and today.....twice. If you haven't received them I have a new friend because they have gone somewhere. :-(


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gness, what is a spirit healer ?.
Question Author
See......chatting on the phone. When I come back Sib and Tony are getting fruity. x
Thanks gness, no tony, look at your post
Well you know what she's like, gness ! lol
I know, sibo just joshing with ya.
lol - I was on the phone too..... one in and one out and about....

Got to call France next.
Question Author
Frank has two spirit guides Tony. One American Native Indian and one Chinese. They heal or help people through him. He does the laying on...or near in his case...of hands.
Now I'm putting ideas in the heads of this lot with the hands bit. ;-)
psssst, reverse the charges !.
Do you do that, gness, you know the laying of hands ?
Cudgels, tony, be careful
This sounds more and more like something for R&S - next thing is Goodlife will be on here.

Charges - are you taking Gness's, Sibs and mine, tony? That would be an impressive reverse.
Wot, the laying on of cudgels sibo.
The phone call to France, DT.
Question Author
Laying on of hands Tony? ....Yes I do........very, very firmly.
Ohhhhhhh any pencils involved, gness ? lol
Can we joke and jest, published so AB crowds might see
Our charming views, info imparting, and always conveyed free?
Cudgels or batons look way too absolute, or is this the SAB billies?
We chastise, we beat - or twist or trounce the deserted bullies!
I reckon we should use baguettes and B00 cakes, but plainly ought I
throw other meanings so - innuendos crafted with recipes spry?
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Alas my pencil days are over...but fun while they lasted. :-)

;-) DT.
LOL @ gness's pencil days over.
Very good DT.
What shift this week tony?

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