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FAO Tesco

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gness | 23:48 Mon 12th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Thanks for the email telling me you have dispatched my fridge and it will be with me tomorrow morning.

The fridge is in my kitchen..... since you delivered it this morning.

If you wake me with another fridge at 7am the delivery man will leave wearing it. x


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No don't assault delivery man. Accept it and sell it!
redirect it here and the bodies will...................
Ah, but did you check you e mails yesterday?
Question Author
Nooo! I have three already. There's only so many bodies a decent girl can want to hide.
That is really good service gness! Like the email telling me an Ebay item I was watching was soon finishing - I bought it and paid for it last week!
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Lord you can be sensible Hopkirk. Yes...the email just pinged in a few minutes ago. Have to use email as am almost phoneless.
you can always put it on tescoes notice board for sale
How can you be almost phoneless?
More to the point why have you got three fridges?
call waitrose and see if they would like a fridge in return for (cold) food.........
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One phone phone stayed on holiday in phone dead.

Three fridges???? God knows...moments of indecision?
i need a new fridge. please. thank you.
I need a fridge freezer. Will swap for a working phone.
Question Author
Silver fridge freezer...almost new.....will happily swap for working phone or date with Johnny Depp.
If only gness!

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