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It All Makes Sense Now

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McMouse | 13:31 Mon 31st Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Gay marriage and marijuana being legalised on the same day.

Leviticus 20:13 ~ “If a man lays with another man he should be stoned.”

We’ve just been interpreting it wrongly all these years.


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very the JWs know copy it into one of Goodlifes threads
-- answer removed --
Ha ha! I wish you'd posted this in R&S. :o)))
HA, very good!
Love it, so did the older alba who was peeking over my shoulder.
yawn : - 0
I like it! :o}
first heard this after the US election. It's only true in a few states.
almfao.....excellent mcmouse! can you become the next pope? if you did, i would think the catholic church would have a great boost....snorted wine all over my laptop (again)! x
Love it!

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