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I Have Done It!!!

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gness | 16:15 Sat 05th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
I have seen the waxwings! I'm so happy I could hug a Gnome! x


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I'm feeling gnomish today......
happy for you, gness

i bet you feel free as a bird
Beautiful birds, you are so lucky to see them !
Shoota, get yer chainmail on, gness might me in a maiming happy mood :-D
might me? I'm excited too :-D

might be *
Is it winter already?
Gone right off you.... how many?
Just Googled them now.....fantastic looking bird. Lucky you gness, well done!

Hope you're all taking part, I certainly am.

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You're a comical lot!!! Been to Morrison's distribution site three times this week because 120+ were spotted. I saw none. Today friends phoned to say they were there and so were waxwings. I drove slowly...yeah right...down the A14......and there were seven left! But hey ho I have seen waxwings!
waxing lyrical now?
I'm very envious. I did see a blackcap in the garden for the first time this week though so I suppose I shouldn't grumble.
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Always do that Chill....not a good garden yet for birds, this one.

You know I always look for the silver lining? Well the bonus for having to go again on Saturday was that I had to park next to the football ground and the guys were training........waxwings and footballers! Oh joy. x
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Aaaahhhhh indeed Shoota. Now if a man could be more like a waxwing. ;-)
the boys lift their wings and stir atop their perches

"How are you tony, excel, shoota, and dave?"

There's a communal "Chirrup" that rings out.

It must be the 5th of January, St John of Neumann's Day.

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