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Hello Baldric

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gness | 13:04 Sat 26th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Happy first day in your new home.....enjoy it! xx


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Morning sloopy, ta!
Those 'Swampies' might be armed as well though tony?
Ooooh I do like a challenge though Baldric, whatever those ' Swampies ' may have then we will get something bigger.
You're on!
thanks sloopy, brill choice ;o)

..didn't think you'd have much call for a second hand boat hook ;)
Nah! I'd have to buy a second-hand boat to get any use out of it.
quite - and believe me, that way madness and penury lie :)
^^^ Been there, done that! ^^^
I wouldn't dream of criticising a gift sloopy, but, don't you think it looks, well, just a tiny bit gay with that bandana!
I couldn't find one in a life jacket :-(
I like it anyway it's the thought wot counts;o)

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Hello Baldric

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