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TWR | 16:02 Thu 31st Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Has anyone done something to you that has effected you & made you hating the person? something that you really loved doing?


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Are you talking about Bill, Bazile?

or Ben?
Is it time for Emmerdale yet?
or, are we there yet?
25 mins before emmerdale...
Rightio.......must find some gin.
Hi TWR, I understood your OP :)

It has never happened to me. I can rise above anyone trying it on and have given better than I got. I only ever stop doing things from personal choice. Hate takes up too much energy in what is already too short a time ;)
How on earth did you understand it Ena?
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Sorry all, Yes W.R. thats what was meant.
Has anyone done something to you that has effected you, something that you really loved doing?
& made you hating the person?

I did rearrange it ........ What is it, TWR?
In that case.

No, the two people who have caused me the most displeasure in life aren't worthy of my hate as it would consume more emotional energy than they are worthy of.

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