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Fao Wharton.

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cupid04 | 04:15 Wed 20th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
there's a surprise for you on night, night song fro mamya. I hope we can still be pals, lol!xx


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surprise for yous too
We'll always be pals cupid pal :-) Andy Stewart singing Scottish Soldier - LOL LOL LOL - I knew his mother (well, sort of)
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My pa had the song on vinyl!
Does that mean we're related? :-)
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No, but I have a little Irish in me!!!
A little Irish will do you no harm, or Scotch for that matter, goodnight cupid pal x.
Wharton Scots.....scotch is a drink !!
murraymints, I get this vague feeling that you're from Edinburgh or somewhere in the east. Am I correct?
Correct Wharton.

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Fao Wharton.

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