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I Am Getting A New Shower

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slinky.kate | 12:58 Wed 03rd Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
'A walk in one,i find it difficult to clamber over the bath,scared in case i fall.the bathroom is empty and everything is echoing(i better close the window ,me thinks)


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my son will miss the bath though,but he's only here the odd week end,so i am pleasing myself for once.
Doing the same here Slinky. Need a new bathroom and have mulled over getting rid of the bath but this week has convinced me to go for a walk in shower.....looking to the future despite people telling me....You can't not have a bath in a bathroom.
Ahh....ditto with the daughter who has a bath every night when she visits....she will have to go next door.
Slinky...I'll be up to fit it when I've finished felting my shed prefer shower To bath.. !
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they said it can take up to a week to fit it,its a concrete floor,needs new electrics and a fan,new lights,new flooring,but it will be lovely.i have promised myself a new towel bale.
We changed to a large double shower a few years ago because Mr BD's dad, who lived with us, was finding it difficult to access the bath. He was 90 and had had both kneecaps replaced. It was one of the best things we have done. Buy the largest shower tray you can afford and have grab rails installed at the same time.
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i am getting grab rails and a stool

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I Am Getting A New Shower

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