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queenofmean | 16:22 Thu 30th May 2013 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
the ranks with Mrs O and Gness for silliness. I fell down my friends stairs whilst carrying her daughters bike - OUCH! This is after I tripped over a paving stone outside Sainsburys. Gonna have a beezer on my knee tomorrow I think and a sore body


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I trying to figure out why someone would keep a bike in their bedroom!
The compensation culture suggests you should sue Sainsbury's!
I think Queenie was riding the bike down the stairs and doesn't want Nun to know.... ;-)

Seriously...hope you are okay. x
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Bool - she lives in a flat.

Its more a shopping centre so might be harder to sue sainsburys.

LOL Gness, the bike is far to small for me to ride. I'm ok just a bit sore xx
You should have slid down the Bannister queenie, much safer that way, ask gness !.
Lives in a flat doh. !
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thinks about sliding down the banister...mmmm.....No ta there's these nobbly bits in the bits on the banister
Well you could use a thick towel to slide down the banister with, queenie.
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Lol I've never been one to slide down banisters to be honest
ooh, sue the whole shopping centre, they'll have lots of money
You should give it a go queenie, good fun.
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Its tempting, but I wasn't injured, I only broke a toe nail :/

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