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Tupe Rights

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cgs1804 | 18:24 Thu 15th Aug 2013 | Law
5 Answers
have just heard that my job has been TUPE'd to a company located in sheffield, i live in birmingham, what are my rights


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What has your company told you, accept the TUPE'd move or take redundancy? Should point out that my understanding is that TUPE is not all it's cracked up to be and the receiving company only needs to comply for a very short time, 3 months I think (not sure).
The employer should set out all the options. If they haven't done so yet, ask them to do so quickly.
The main info you need is here:

This site has a useful FAQ section which includes a query about a relocation 60 miles away as an example

Perhaps they are looking to set up a Birmingham office. There has to be a period of consultation where all your options are laid out to you.
^ and prudie is right, TUPE applies to the transfer, the receiving company can change its contract T&Cs very shortly afterwards.
You should read the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006.

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