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The Missing Wristwatch, Mystery Solved...

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sandyRoe | 08:05 Thu 22nd Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
It was raining heavily this morning as I went to take the dog for its walk so I put on a pair of waterproof trousers and in one of the pockets was the watch. I still don't know why I thought putting it there in the first place was a good idea.


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Seemed a good idea at the time ! spent hours looking for dad's keys a few days ago...turned the house and garden upside day found the toe of his shoe !
Once when we moved house I lost my driving licence.

About a year later I found it safely stored in a backgammon set.
Lost a ring once - not valuable but of sentimental value. A couple of years later I took a pair of gloves out of a drawer and there was the ring in the finger of one. Obviously ring came off with the glove.
Well the funny thing is I said a little prayer to St Jude for you Sandy .... and look whats happened:-))
My brother in law's sovereign ring which he thought he'd lost for good was found when chest freezer was defrosted.
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Ric.ror, as clear a demonstration of the power of prayer as I've ever seen. Thank you. :-)
My daughter was given a wristwatch for her 6th birthday and apart from seeing it on the day we never saw it again until a couple of years later when we opened the Mousetrap game she'd also been given and the watch was in the box. If Mousetrap hadn't been such a boring game we'd have played it again sooner. Although to be fair to Mousetrap I did spend an hour putting the trap together before reading the instructions and finding out that putting the trap together was actually the game!
I once came home to find my dog missing (had him one day) and looked everywhere. I live on the second and third floor of a block of flats. I eventually found him on the sloping roof at the front of my bedroom windows.

I phoned the fire brigade as he was too big for me to move (5 year old Lab x German Shepherd) but I eventually found his tail and managed to yank him back in.

He lived with me for another five years ~ fourteen isn't bad for a large dog. Imagine wandering along the street only to be flattened by a flying and falling hound. :-)
One of my nephews was left my father's gold watch. I turned the house upside down in a fruitless search. I felt terrible (and a little guilty) but had to tell the family to forget about it.
A few weeks later when emptying the house I found it inside a tatty old pair of socks that was about to go in a bin bag. Phew.
I was St Anthony wot did it, Ric you're not suggesting sandy is a lost cause!
I really do not know why I said St Jude as I obviously meant St Anthony

That's twice I've done that
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Though if you were really desperate to find a lost item I'm sure St Jude would intercede for you if he was asked.
St Jude is my favourite Ric, I call on him often x

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