On this thread people who would never get into Mensa seem to claim they could but didn't because it has annual subs: https://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/ChatterBank/Question1822098-7.html Mensa is a club...
Hello again, everyone. Welcome to the final ‘Quiz of the Week’ thread for 2022. It’s a very quiet week, as there is no junior quiz this week and no Timed Teaser to frustrate us either. So we just have...
I regret to inform you that my sister, who you know as 'Emmie' passed away on 26th December. she asked for the announcement to be made on this forum, but unfortunately did not leave details of her...
I have a book on Amazon. Is it ok to acknowledge someone else in a positive way? Let's say my book is about fitness. In the acknowledgements page, besides my professors, I acknowledge youtubers who...
This is UK right? So why have they spent the first 7 minutes on North American weather? Surely there is something going on here? US weather may warrant a 30 second mention at the bottom of the order...
Voters believe nothing in Britain is working anymore as they give LABOUR a huge poll lead. Richi Sunak is facing criticism over his failure to avoid strikes by getting around the negotiating table...
https://www.reuters.com/breakingviews/bulb-bailout-exposes-uks-pseudo-power-market-2022-12-23/ £6 billion bailout by the government which will cost every household £230 apparently. But we’re skint...
Over the 'paleness' of the shortlisted people? Nine hours in and nothing on Answerbank about whitewashing, disregarding persons of colour and black lives mattering. I'm outraged!...
Good evening to one and all. There’s no Quiz of the Week from Aunty Beeb this week, due to the start of the big annual quiz. (See below). There’s no kids’ Newsround quiz either this week :( The Timed...