I've done nearly all of this but got one which I can't seem to get.
Seaman (7)
The only thing I can think of is Admiral, but hardly just a seaman. Can anyone help please?
I confess to being baffled! The Mail gives the ispy answer for last week (26.07.15) in today's paper as 15. I've still got last weeks and I can see 16. Am I going mad???...
Help required please! I am struggling on 3 questions, can anyone help? 20) What UK Investment has doubled over the past 10 years 23) The Dickens question - is it a typo? 25) What proportion of adults...
Q 23. A signed copy of A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens was put up for sale this year . What was its price tag? A £50,000 B £257,000 C £325,000 D £1 million The only references I can find...
Ones I have left are (all answers are anything vaguely to do with horses). I've had a guess on some though. 3 - Lost Nail (8) - Tackless? 84 - Any Wild Western Film? (5,5) - Crazy Horse? 86 - Is it...
I'm a little confused about 8 down - English term for a former currency of Germany (11). Deutschmark fits, but I always thought it was spelt Deutschemark (two words with a 2nd e)?
All questions relate to horses, eg chop roughly = hack, county and drink = Suffolk Punch.
Stuck on 2:
? Steppes.
A fool ?.
Any help gratefully appreciated.
Who is the novelist the below describes: Worked as a clerk in the Admiralty, as a reporter for the Daily Express, picked fruit in California, strung tennis rackets, fought in World War 1 with the...
Hi. I'm stuck on question 27 in the Lions "Money Matters" quiz. Heptagonal Coin, introduced 1969 (10,5). I know this was the 50p coin, but I cannot get the letters out of it. Unless it is...