Does anyone have any knowledge about the rules surrounding right of way. Went for a walk today along a path that was marked with those yellow arrows inside circles (don't know if that is relevant or...
Good morning all
Our beautiful 6th Great grandchild - Matthew - arrived last night - Mother and baby (& Dad ) all well - can't wait for a cuddle at the weekend...
Hi all! Havent posted in here for a while! Do cats really pick up on owners feelings and situations? When I split with my ex in February, I managed to bring 2 of my cats with me to my new home with my...
I have received an email which I haven't opened puporting to come from Hsbc. Subject 'your account has been accesed by a third party' This is the actual speliing. There is an attachement Has any one...
Hey, This has been playing on my mind for a long time, I personally dont like kissing after giving or recieving oral sex however my current boyfriend couldnt believe I wouldnt kiss him after I...
anyone have aa air ticket to thailand due to cancellation, i'll buy it from you. I'm due to go sometime around 3rd March, give or take a day or two. Alternately anyone know of any cheap flights...
My neighbour has informed me that she intends to replace the party fence between our properties and cover the full cost herself and asked if we had any objections. I said no and that the workmen were...
I know that dogs (and other animals) are capable of doing many things that we can't (some of them quite nauseating) but this has to be a step forward - get rid of all the overpaid doctors and employ a...
6 he has a beard, goes door to door selling 7 light soft and fluffy, ireland 24 gordon voted out, person hunting with falcon 29 could be sweet or cock, slender bodied 57 hughie on telivision, put in...