Unsure of two-advice appreciated.14ac. This singer's almost blind(4)?ING. is it "bing" as in Crosby? If so where does blind fit in? 19d.Chap out of money an down with the French fish(6). A?AB?S....
Help with 29ac. please.Unusually lettered man's a-...is in ashram?(5).?ISHI. I think it must be "rishi" but don't get the wordplay. Advice appreciated....
10ac.Detective arrests gangster:4PM(9). C?L?A?H??
5D.Wash at the bottomright below river(5).R???E. I'm thinking "CALLAGHAN" and "RINSE". Please explain how wordplay works. Thanks in advance...
Unsure of last one-help please.27d.Small son wants small swing in Stirling(4). SWE?. Chambers gives tow possible solutions-SWEE and SWEY. Any idea which is preferred?
Almost done but would appreciate how clues work for two.27d.Opera of the second class,hardly original,going over the edge(8,4).?O?E?I?N?I?L. Is it Bohemian girl? 45ac.Retiring for good,pupil leaves...
Help on two please.7d.Leader of meeting I put down as royal attendant(8). C?A?M?A?. 20d. Ship,one swimming in blood?(6). ?E?S?L. I think it may be 'vessel'(for ship) but don't really understand.
Strugling with this weeks offering-kick start required please.1ac.Veteran twigs Rubbra's prelude and perhaps,a VW fugue(8)???????R. 20ac.Making a start on narration with workers for short time(11)...
Two left-help appreciated. 2d.Before food in small pub one would upend drink(7)BA?ARD?
3d. Old recover from public houses beginning to go European(7). OV?RGE?.
Any explanations welcome too....