Which ones can you remember?! I’ll put this in CB as a big of Thursday afternoon fun as if it’s in adverts it’ll probably go unseen You’ll wonder where the yellow went when you brush your teeth with...
I had an overwhelming urge for a jam sandwich , never ate one since I was a kid, so uncut bread , butter and strawberry jam , can’t remember why I even had any in, checked the date, good to go , and...
Okay, what have you had for breakfast ? ;)
Me? OST so Simple porridge with segments of tangerine,strawberries and black grapes, mmmmmm lovely ;0))))...
If Scotland get their Independence given Wales’s flag is green,white and red
The Union flag would lose the blue in it….wouldn’t it?
I hope this one is in the right section :0/...
In the mellay that is British politics , surely the groundswell of support of medical supplies,clothing etc that was being kindly donated ,appears to have lost its momentum and those items can’t last...
I’m finding I’m switching from Sky News to watch this channel,it’s a much more relaxed input to News items ,I’ve always like people like Kevin O’Sullivan and Piers Morgan ,they don’t pull any punches...
Loving this warm weather, sorry it’s got to end
I could get used to it and could imagine going to those beautiful Northumberland coasts, no need to go abroad...