11 across perceptive duke is meeting church group about noon(10)
10down substitute curry that,s left when seats are filled(8.4)
29 across archer invested in new trainers filling deep space(12)...
2 down one nervy comic pinches staff article periodically ( 7 down conservative supports battle site somewhere in London(9.6) 16 across body in space spread elation in police department(9) 14...
1 across sacking over 8 keeping female for solving sudden problems (12)
13 down estate agent nearly fails in dangerous post(6,4)
29 across obvious tsunami ruined cabbage around Bournemouth(12)...
10 down poles block stereo x-ray ,possibly using telepathy [12]
21 across boycott diamonds creating risky conditions [5,3]
29 across endorses shop notices beside till[12]...
7 down better research evolved aout radical job on battlefield[9.6]
12 across congenial mystic misled about lod newsreel company[11]
14 down irish toll non-stop in kildare town ready to fly[9]...
1 across excessively optimistic girl blushed[4.8]
7 down broadcast what keeps wheels turning[12]
11 across it is our banana,s after fruit that's nourishing[10]...
9 across not many managed to secure one element[8]
23 across I was down by rocks, making projections to house[3.7]
29 across poison extracted from a protein[8]...
10 across fussy clients use it to apply design to surface [7]
13 across one girl gets over false start in early years[7]
25 across red pepper prepared first ,cooked on time[7]...
1 down TUC holds editor in awe for what USA offers[5,9]
11 across what,s left after one departs ? souvenir perhaps[8]
16 across scorn politician replacing son in competition[8]...
21d "Fiercely proud, having inspired one Parisian rally"(5,2) so far i have "r?a?d-?p" but can't find any words to fit any help please gratfully accepted....
7 down burst of flak comes down twice over disputed territory[8,7]
12 across pretty woman sops a report in order to get OPEC cash[11]
19 across top executive sacks old fellow for lacking care [11]...
4 down tricky device designed to control awkward pet [9]
6 down using hall abroad hire outside means of communication [7.8]
29 across cost expert due in,following refurbishment[11]...
11 a) Pretend to encourage Tory leader to leave ( 8) ?I???A?E 17 a) Energetic person lots back,splitting party ( 6) ?????O 4 d) It`s helpful putting salt round hairpin on track (8) ?A?URA?? 12 d) Dark...
8 down flirt outrageously with Edward at first not much[6]
10 across german article about skating venue,s boozer[7]
6 down tweet;cold fruit,s about right[5]...