Nasty little critters have been identified as unwelcome guests on my sofa. Yuk , already been chomped on once. Now I lost my little dog way back in February , we have no pets. The children who visit...
Tuesday evening Put four eggs into a saucepan, turned it on, then wandered off to do some reading. Half an hour later my O.H. says 'What's that smell?' Result: four brown scorched eggs and a ruined...
my M-I-L is not the most reliable of people and sometimes i struggle with my relationship with her. when it was our son's funeral she turned up late, and then her phone went off (twice!!) during the...
I've been with my boyfriend for two years now and we have recently been talking about me moving in with him. I'm 19 and he is 18 and we were going to just stay at his parents house as a tester to see...
When we got back from holiday last week we found our three azaleas, which are in pots, dried to a crisp. Shall I leave them alone or prune them or something? We've had them for years and I don't want...
I'm in my forties and I have quite a lot of beauty spots . My 7 yr old son seems to be following in my footsteps. He was blemish free until a couple of years ago but is developing beauty spots on his...
I’ve just been listening to ‘The Bottom Line’ on Radio 4 where the guests were the vice president of CH2M Hill, the CEO of Veolia Water, and the CEO of Anglian Water, who all said that water...
I have some smoked salmon, two ripe avocados, coriander, lemons, tomatoes and olive oil. I am going to make a sort of salad with them. Will it work? Do I need to add anything else?
............because I should be retiring. However, because the govt changed the rules last year, my wife should have also retired at the same time and now has to wait a further 3 years, so that's all...
It's my nephews birthday tomorrow and birthday people get to chose what's for dinner (he lives with us) He's requested a meat feast. What meat would you cook and what would you serve with a plate of...
I have just made a Spaghetti Bolognese and it's simmering away nicely for later. When it comes to preparing the garlic, I always dither. Chop it finely, crush it in the garlic press or break it up...
Went to the bathroom, came back and there's a Daddy-Long-Legs floating in it. What to do. Fish it out and drink the drink or throw it away and start again? Bear in mind it is a B&C and not a cup of...