Stuck in bottom left hand corner. All help gratefully received. 19a) Easily moved soldiers and volunteers in silent formation (11) S-N------U-L 26a) Key foodstuff of celebrity chef? Not half (6)...
Last one, 31a. Is there a misprint in clue?
Small bird of prey in 9's usually white above 'athis' (4,4)
I have -N-W. -I-E.
I assume it is Snow Kite (?).
Thanks for help/explanation!!...
Last one and the brain's tired!
15d) Signal changer fights to secure power (3-3,3).
I have S-T -O- B-X
Presumably it is BOX at the end. Is it Set Top Box?...
Struggling today! 22a Crave, want, yearn for (6) -E-E-E 23a Fumble, muddle, struggle (8) F-O-N-E- 24a Person who estimates value of damage of property for insurance purposes (8) -S-T-S-R Thanks in...