And a bright good morning to everyone, particularly all those who successfully survived the coach trip to (S)'s place last night, especially he and his Mum, when they all landed on his doorstep !!!...
If you are still about K...or anyone else!! I have put a few answers in this crossword that I have seen on here earlier on, but I just cannot move on! Could you give me a great big shove as opposed to...
I shall make this short and sweet or "someone" will post at the same time and there will be a little confusion !!! on this site - never !!!! The challenge is as always to match Kate's choices over the...
MM Links August 2007 [Week 1] Good Morning MM Linkers everywhere! I am conscious that I am addressing an audience that spans at least THREE continents and I am overwhelmed. As this is my first week as...
This is Queen Christiana about to hand over the royal warrant to whichever worthy successor emerges from the pack. Even if you?ve scored nothing yet, keep your eyes peeled and try your best. After...
This month has really flown by and already we are at the business end, so to speak, and in order to keep at least one jump ahead of the early rising Aquagility thought I'd better get an early start...
"Good Morrow" This is Queen Christiana, QC , back from her holidays and ready to tease and tantalise you with more 'Hints and Links' . The Surrey countryside was beautiful, but, as usual, I felt...
This will be the third week in the reign of Queen Christiana (aka Jackie) and I expect great things from the next MM Champion (whoever they may be) as they start to assert authority over the...
Good morning to all, and I'm pleased to report a lovely bright sunny day in my part of the world, though the chill factor is somewhere down round my ankles !!! ah well, it's winter so what can one...
"Good morning"! This is Queen Christiana, QC (aka Jackie). As you can see I've moved quickly from "drowning" status to "waving" position and now expect other people to wave as I pass regally by....
And Good Morning to everyone - thought I'd get an early start now that Aquagility is back in town, wondering where to deposit his 'pearls of wisdom' - well we can't let that sort of situation go...
Struggling with the last two clues and would appreciate a little help, please. 19ac Really bothered, ran the twit in (8 ltrs) --r-s-e- I want to put harrassed or stressed but cannot see why! 19dn Sap...
Well, the Moment of Truth has finally arrived when my elation at becoming the next MM Champion has to be translated into cold reality of providing action. I note last night on AB that crofter...
Good morning, Steff. Good morning, all. Here are your link words, crisp and hot to your tables. Emerald Plum Wellington Brown And the best of luck with that little lot.
Yes, this is the final weekend to make that big push for the top of the heap for this month !!! Oh dear, I've thought all along this makes the months go faster, and now I'm sure - is this a good thing...
This is my concluding opportunity to tease you. This is your last chance to second-guess me. I assume you've enjoyed it, or shall we take a vote on it? This week I have more questions than answers for...