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1a overcomes with superior force s?e?m???l?r? 4d submissively ??e?i???l? 22a persist l???e?...
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12a must be rite, but don't understand the scribe bit. scribe topped and tailed ceremony...
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1d city, say, when it's entered crying ?a?e???t?o? 13a crikey hot model has left an old city (unsure of letter count) 16a neighbourhood a couple re-entered (as above) 13d flower cluster opening in the...
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Hi, does anyone have clue numbers 49 and 51a as i have ripped the paper and can't read them?
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7d american follows many to get plant l?t?s 10a about time, due today almost strangely old fashioned ?u?d?t?d 13d small drink to cover with dots s?i???e 20a flog pear concoction in the vault ?e???r?g...
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Hi I usually get these papers but have failed miserably today, can anyone who has the cryptics let me know the prize winners please?...
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green lights for a motorway and street, northbound p?r?i?s...
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19d coast said to be rocky coming into view s?a?i?e...
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8a artist having a bash after performing in shakespearean role ?e?n???? 4d thus custom made also equestrian doesn't require one 2,5 t? ??d?r 22a believer in a single cause working in film ??n?s? 22d...
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10a many women live vainly without heart ?e?y 19a arrogant personal quality boarding boat and tucking into trifle 5,5 ?o??? ??i?? 20a conceal chinas money ??l? 21a sudden move securing university...
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1d kick hard here when voting ?o??? 10a ownerless horse say left inside growing wildly ???a?s?y 12a able to block agrarian distribution of island 4,7 ?g?n ?a?a?i?...
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3a fruit with a cereal a?o?l 26a splendid guess ?i?o?e...
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indoor fair US, held usually for charity ?e?m?s abrupt angular bend in a pipe ?n?? monetary advance on terms very favourable to the borrower 4,4 ?o?? ??f? projecting rounded edge of a step or moulding...
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purple medicks, plants resembling the clovers ?u?r?n?? opiate like substance with painkilling properties e?d?r?h??? low storey between two main storeys in a building ?n?r?s??...
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1d regional accent found near the coast 7,7 e?t?a?? ?n?l?s? 14a girl could yet have included doctor ??e?t?...
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24a move friend say backwards s???e 16d eccentric bride has left one medium trap ?i???i?e...
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6d man or a lady ?e?n?ra...
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drink in two forms provided by wife in vineyard estates chateau? s or x?...
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4d removing stem tycoon unwell during this operation 13 ?o?s?????t??? 12a dame acting with rare complex change 7,6 ?a?r?e? w???e? 14a new registration to set in motion the jazz age 7,8 ?o?r?n?...
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thin folded pancake filled with cheese, meat or fruit b?i?t?e creature especially a dominican friar p?????a?t courtisan or mistress often an educated one h???e?a blank page at the beginning or end of...

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