7d, Get in with dinner chewing part of mixture (10) 8d, Secret member added weight to coded message (10) 11d, Not initial weight, somebody who is supreme (6-2-4) 19a, A dingy sort of Polish port (6)...
There are certain songs which make my ears bleed : ChumbaWumba - I get Knocked down. Noisettes - I'll never forget you (DFS advert) and "All the Young Dudes" - by anyone who's ever covered...
Can anyone help me with these please? All questions will sound like or lead to fictional detectives, investigators, PI’s, and television serials of that kind. No1. Night planet,illuminations?...
Imagine I am your employee. You can fire me for whatever reason you like. So carry on by firing the poster above you - like I said - for whatever reason you choose. "Fired for wearing granny...
11a Dreary, finding one ship in sack (9) D???i?s?? 13a Point the pit out in descrition (7) ??i?h?? 5d Scene set in religious man's sink (7) D?????d 8d Weaken woman with instrument (6) D????? Many...
After suffering a lot of pain, I was scanned and diagnosed with having lots of small gall stones. I had my gall bladder removed one week ago today. It was removed by keyhole surgery. My stay in...
Last one.
45d Spanish king I spotted in carriage going north (8) - A - E - R - C Nothing comes to mind. Maybe I have something wrong. Thanks for help....
Reading how salla stabbed her eye with a sausage on a stick reminded me of the time I half swallowed a cocktail parasol in a Greek bar and nearly choked to death.
Having a bit of trouble in the bottom left corner. 53a Brothers and sisters are working properly (2, 5) I - - - D - - IN ORDER??? 47a New recipe about to be adopted in French restaurant (8) - - E - -...