I really love my garden and I feel I know quite a deal about plants and horticulture but when it comes to calling plants by their 'posh' name I'm snookered I just can't pronounce it right. I was told...
in my garden i have found a lot of catepillers and i have alot of white butterflies. My nasturtiums as always covered in caterpillars munching away which makes me thinks these lovely butterflies are...
This morning my daughter announced that next term she'd like to do her project on 'Handbags, The History Of ..' I've always been a bit of a rucsac girl myself hence my need for help.
we are having a sort of 'differance of opinion' with our mate nige, he says the man mentioned above appeared in a TV version of Heidi that he swears he saw as a child??and now says he found it also...
Tonight in the car my son asked- what is glass made of? yikkes i remember doing something in school but did not want to get it all wrong so i said i'd ask my chums at answer bank - don't let me down...
My daughter age 9 needs some info on how and why electric braes produce the optical illusion they do! I'm stumped all I know is that they are great fun and it might be handy if anyone knew of any...
Why do people see mirages, do we just see what we want to be true ie. the oasis in the desert, if we were somewhere very cold would we see a roaring log fire? anyone know?
my son is doing a project on space and inbetween the informative bits he fancies putting in unsual fact or jokes, anyone good got any? have to be clean i'm afraid cos he is only 8yrs!
Does anyone know why a friends border collie dog barks like a crazy thing at all forms of cars,vans motorbikes does not matter if they are moving or not she is 1year old has been with the family from...
How can I stop someone's cat pooing in my garden.? I have nothing against this animal but don't consider it's droppings too be very safe in my garden due to my young son. I also think it is a bit...