1.designer fashion in the ship's hold (7)
2."My" wandering walk about (8)
3.Money here, steak in, sallad out! (6)
Thank you for any help you can give...
1. informal term used by the lifeboat service, and others for a call out (5) 2.a large filled bread roll, long, thin and rounded (9.8) 3"on sept 30th the large vessel sailed on ----what? 4.One name...
1. looks like a vehicle with a dart-line(7)
2 Tenanine (7)
3. Odd plumlike vehicle (4)
4. The spiritual part of an individual ox (5)
Thank you for any help...
All the answers are song titles in three words. The first letter is given for the first word, then the second word is given and then no clue for the third word. 1. A blue ? (a is not allowed as a...
the answers are b p eg bean pod 1.Home of the symbolic silver shrub-50 scattered (8. 6) 2 Another one! (9.4) the previous answer is Blaise Pascal (French scientist and Christian apologist. I believe...