my friend is 40 years old and around 20 weeks pregnant. she has a history of mental illness and depression which has lead to suicide attempts one of which left her in a coma for weeks. she is...
Just two to get. 8 dn Pretty nasty type,that female.(6) r?t?e? 21 ac Busy end to Cymbeline follows its penultimate part (6) ?c?i?e Is the answer "active" and if so why? Thanks in anticipation.
So what about naming a song with a fellas name in the Title??? Rules apply as before..Happy Birthday to**** not accepted, well, it's summat different from MJ, groannnnnnnnn me 1st...Michael row the...
ROYAL Bank of Scotland, unveiled a pay package for CEO Stephen Hester worth up to 9.6 million pounds if shares in RBS average at least 70 pence over 30 days during the last six months of the...
12ac In the corner, say, a rook is beside all the other men.(3,5) ?E?, P?E?E. Is this some kind of piece? 26ac. Drab horse lacking in craft.(5) D?N???. Is this dingy and why? 16dn. Just now bank is...
This thread is in memory of the greatest american singer.. Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 ? June 25, 2009) To read about his life,you will find everything on this link...
I have always had poor immunity to chest infections, however within the last year I have had 6 chest infections. This week I came back from Ireland with a painfully sore throat. This evolved into yet...
6d European politician has links with dead men (7) Emp + ties. I can see that it is 'empties' and I've heard the barman ask if these bottles (the empties) are 'dead' - but 'dead men'? Has anyone heard...