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Dr Hungry

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I have recently had a cold which lasted for a few days only then went away except for my cough which seemed to continue through the stages from very dry to very chesty to almost gone. Last week I went...
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My doctor has said that my blood pressure is a bit high, but I have no idea why. I don't smoke, rarely drink alcohol, have a healthy diet, (not too much salt, saturated fat or processed food) I'm not...
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Hey, I'm interested in learning the guitar and would love to know of some good websites which teach for free. I have an acoustic guitar, but have never used it. Im not the most talented musically so...
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Steve Wright has just said on his show that there are 55 miles of canals within one human tooth, is this correct or did we mishear him, handbags at 10 paces yet again as I say this seems impossible...
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My anatomy & physiology text book tells me that the skeletal muscles are directly involved in the breathing process but doesn't explain how. I've tried the internet but not having much luck. Is there...
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Anyone know what the symptons are for High Blood Pressure. Thanks
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There have been many articles recently about the proposed re-introduction of thalidomide to treat some conditions (I forget which, as noone has proposed to offer it to pregnant women, of course). It...
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Dr Hungry
Does anyone know of a way to convert videos downloaded from Google Video (.gvp) into a sensible format, like .avi ?
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Lets be serious here. Does any of this alternatine medicine actually work? As an aging hippy I have tried nearly every one that I can think of, with the exception of Reiki, which my normally...
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anyone got any tips how i can work up my guitar picking speed so i an play the theme tune to pulp fiction?
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Do you just go to your doctor to get the jab and is it free? Is there anything else I would need to know before having it? Thanks xx falloutgirl xx
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This may sound silly but my sister and I were talking about the menapause.. she then went off track a bit andstarted on about hormones, She's heard "somewhere" that if a group of women were in a...
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Just had a blood test result back to be told ive got a high ESR count, (17) looked on the internet and some of the reasons for this look a bit scary?? does anyone know what causes this??? what does it...
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How can I get songs I have bought on itunes onto CD? I can get them onto my ipod but I want to be able to use them on my computer too!
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If you go to the Doctor and he tells you you are pregnant can he ever be wrong? I just wandered. I have not been told I am pregnant by a Doctor by the way.I don't care how many answers I get to this...
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lord molly
why does spice make you'r tummy feel all warm and lovely?
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Is it possible to calculate the height of a bridge by dropping stone into the river and timing it? I have tried a couple of formulae, but seem to be way off mark. I realise drag etc can affect the...
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Does anybody else get infuriated with the amount of dangerous older people still driving? Just yesterday an old lady (she looked around 80) tried to cut me up on a roundabout and then when she wasnt...
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Dan Glebitts
does anyone know any good mash up songs? i recently heard a mash up of greenday, oasis and travis ....just wondering if there are any other good ones out there..?
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Morning everyone, I wonder if anyone can help? I am due to have a diffusion weighted scan soon and I don't really know what it entails ( I forgot to ask the surgeon when I saw him). I know it is a...

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