Now even Robert Peston says voting remain was a mistake, are you going to see the light too? He says; " I now fear that those that did [vote leave] were on the right side of an important argument and...
It seems that for now, at least, Spacey's career is in ruins. I hope we haven't lost this fine actor for ever.... \\A woman whose home overlooks Betts Park said: ‘The park is a hotspot for bad things. It was only a...
First in 10 years although it is only returning to what it would have been had Carney not tried to badmouth Brexit with it. Still must have a fair way to go to stem inflation, 1% by 2019 perhaps?...
After reading Theland's thread below (who or what created the universe) and the debate that developed between Naomi and others regarding ancient aliens visiting Earth, I thought that it may deserve a...
I have had my cat for three years. He never really liked my sisters and every time he sees them, he tries to attack their feet or legs. Sometimes he will jump at me. When I try to cuddle him he just...
Does anyone else crush their tablets (medication) even though the leaflet says do not crush? I realise it's for a reason but mine get stuck in my throat everyday so I'm thinking surely it won't hurt...
FAO Theland and others of his ilk. Born again Christians believe that unless we believe like they do that we are going to burn in some kind of hell for eternity. Can you please justify such an odious...
The Euro Millions lottery has rolled over for the eight time and stands at a whopping £167 mill. Would you like to see one winner or 167 people each winning a million??? I would like to see the...
Asking on behalf of elderly couple. Will try to keep short tho' it's little complicated. Disabled couple with chronic ill health have rented same council house for many years. Very old house but...
Would you support child-free establishments?
Hi, I cannot access my yahoo mail on my iPad it keeps coming up with "an error occurred, please try again later. (1242)" Can anyone tell me why and what I can do about it please? It did happen to me...