not sure whether its the right category and i know medical advice is not really supposed to offerred but, just wondered, my other half has over the last 3 weeks had such bad pain in the top of his...
Has anyone else had a professional bra fitting? I have a lot of trouble finding a bra that fits properly. I can be anything from 36DD to 38F and any combination in between. If you have had a fitting...
I haven't been on here for a while, but Happy New Year to each and every one that has posted, sparred, bantered and replied to, with or for me over the past year and may 2007 bring you all peace, love...
My friend is in the USA on holiday at the moment and I send a New Year text message to him. Should I have sent it with a prefix at the front as I just sent it as it was (as my mum told me when I was...
Is anyone else feeling oddly agressive lately? I could quite cheerfully rip someone's head off for no apparent reason and I've noticed a fair few people who seem to be at the end of an extremely short...
I missed my last period, I thought it was due to stress as I've had a lot going on but this morning I started bleeding heavily and I've gone through nearly 2 packs of ultra towels today. I've also had...
I'm doing an exercise with my Brownies in a few weeks where each group is given a load of pictures and they have to decide which things are needs and which things are wants. So far I have:- clothes,...
Does anybody know the song title or whether it was a piece made for the film, it appears several times but the only one i can remember is when Nicholas Cage jumps the queue on the bridge in Eleanor....
Didn't catch all of last nights episodes and I've been away over Christmas.... Where has baby Holly come from? And why is what'shisname looking after her? V confused!
There was a great fast Happy Hardcore song in the early 90's and was played alot at Dreamscape etc. The song had a girl singing it and a little of the lyrics were " I'm rushin,rushin, rushin, rushin"...
Hello, I've had a really sore and bloodshot eye since Saturday morning, thought i'd just be irritated and would go away after putting some eyedrops in. Have kept on with the eyedrops and have not put...