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16ac Key one turned in a lock for a beast 20ac Unusual bad girl, tight top on Many thanks
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15d Alexander ?, Union Army general killed in the Battle of the Wilderness
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10 ac Lieutenant's mask slipped showing lack of leadership Can't figure it out at all!
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Thanks. Thought this would enable me to complete it but can't get 23ac 25ac 17ac 1d and 18d. You have obviously finished it. Congrats!
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Can someone please furnish me with the following? 2d big-time man debased 17d song about a man (loud ending removed) 24a peer born by an empty building
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Can someone give me answer to 2ac - place reached by a guy and 9d upright rock split by a convert? Thanks
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Can't get the last one - 3ac G-S-A-I unless I've made a mistake
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Still trying to complete this week's. 24ac end of a lad almost ladylike and 4 down girl caught giving a boost
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9ac check tie worn by a fool and 16ac letter of thanks by Derek please
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10ac is it digger and if so why? Also 21ac please
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1down and 7 down would be a help please!
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I'm stuck with the last 2 - help! 8 ac Gang of cut-throats which must be broken to prevent repetitions and 3 d Money put up by colleague, not upper class one, which could teach you a lesson or two....
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I'm finding this week's Skeleton hard! What is 31 across- Guy who's the girl's beau! 6 letters - H????N Also 12down - Grace is present without one! 5 letters
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Set free? that's rotten! 6 letters lead about a lake, old man 5 letters
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a man on earth; rough 'un we hear 6 letters

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