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hi ive had conflicting reports on earl grey tea what i want to know is it good as a drink for rehydration.
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where can i buy cheap wine and beers iv been told france but where
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49. g.....(dingbat) 68. The Sealife Centre in Blackpool in 1996 asked for what to house two blue-ringed octopi? 81..Who had the honour of becoming the first Brazilian to touch the ball in football...
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kettledrum the questions are what is missing from these lists? Y,S,H,S,?,N,S,E W,A,J,M,?,A,J,V,H,T P,T,G,M,k,h,? d,c,m M,K,D,S,M,S,?,S,L,M ANY HELP?
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is 44 a trick ? In which film does Danny Lloyd kill Jack Nicholson ? In the Shining the Nicholson character dies of exposure. and while I'm at it..... which well known actor & film director played...
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I thought it was time to post another thread about the disappearance of Daddies Brown Sauce from the shelves of our supermarkets. Are other people still unable to find it in most large supermarket...
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sometimes, when iam on the go, i eat canned steak and kidney pie for dinner..and most times the quality isnt that eating canned version as oppossed to eating fresh steak and kidney pie not...
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here in the states, i dont get to drink any british imported bottled brands..only french, japanese and german labels, water is water..but its where its imported from is my main concern
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Please, pretty please, would it be possible to automatically zap any question (except this one!) which even remotely refers to Christmas posted before, say, December 10th?
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Hi all :o) Feeling quite pleased with myself as just finished making my Xmas cake and got it in the oven baking away nicely. It will be soaked in sherry once it has cooled down and packed away under...
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i applied recently for a job i found out yesterday that i got it my only problem is that the day im supposed to start i have to do jury service can any-one tell me weather im likley to lose my new job...
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Where I can get a 4ft red christmas tree please? I don't want to pay a lot for it though as I will probably change my mind next year!
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i have tried everywhere for this sauce now. my boys are refusing to eat bacon sandwiches any more. please help. i live in st albans
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What is it aboput Sundays that makes us want to eat a roast? And what is it about Saturdays that makes us want to eat pizza or other takeaways? Is it just that we need convenience food when we are off...
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I have a space in my garden where I would like to put a greenhouse. However, the space is behind my garage and the back of the garage of another house which would mean that on two sides there would be...
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hello, I would be very grateful if anyone could suggest how i can use any thing to put a lining on non stick pan where the lining has come off. the problem is food sticks where the lining has come off...
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Where is best to keep bananas? I always keep them in fridge as I think they taste a bit fresher when cold but the skins go hideously black.
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I've got a load of coriander plants on my allotment that have gone to seed. Is it better to dry them, freeze them green or can they be used green?
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Does any one know how to keep a pvc shower curtain clean and free from water markes.
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I need a new quilt & pillows. I can't decide whether to go for duck down, goose down, polyester, hollow fibre. Can anyone give me any advice on their opinions please. Thanks.

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