8a Does this security device set off an alarm when it recognizes an item for discussion at conference? MOTION D??E?T?R 24d Its contents are remarkable similar P?D 21 a Noticed the sound of a herd...
17 d quite happy though with the money not pouring in.(7) -o---n- 16d for the actor,lauching his career with a villian role. (3,5) b-d -t-r- {bad start ?} 6d a drink dear in France, he informs you (7)...
£1000 crossword: 30 down- an edible saltwater fish of southern NZ waters? 4 letters _o_i ? AND 25 across- ____ gale, a wind of force 7 on the Beaufort scale? 4 letters: n__r? Many thanks...
1. Farm labourer takes vegetables to social worker(7) ???s??? 2. Doctors admit fee is adjusted for delays(6) ???e?s 3. Point deals with moral standard(6) ??r?a? Please help. Caution: my answers may be...
1a Crayons may have been put in this place, since moving (6,4) 4d Tribe's leader one Englisg newspaper featured in series (9) 7d Actor's role, one I strongly criticise in cout (11) Gracias en...