Internett drepe ikke av reisebyrået tross alt. Klassisk reise selskaper skulle være død og begravet som nettsteder som Expedia og Trip Advisor la reisende gjøre sine egne, ofte billigere,...
We are having the most amazing storm at the moment. An hour ago incredible white clouds started rolling in across the Channel in a great sausage, literally speeding across the sky as we watched -...
I have Music Technology BA First Class Honours graduating this year. Any suggestions what to do with it? My tutor at college prior to Uni said no job at the end of it and a careers adviser said not...
I've been listening to a lot of sports broadcasts this year and am astounded by the number of newsreaders and so called pundits referring to Colombia as Columbia. I'm sure they would kick up a fuss if...
Why does the car use up the petrol more quickly if you have the air conditioning on?
I have to keep putting petrol in. It's not lasting any time at all....
A friend said to me: "I can never do the Welsh accent properly. Every time I try it it sounds like Pakistani''.
I said: ''You'll just have to try harder, Tariq''....
At around 6:30 pm today my brother called me outside to show me a slow moving object in the sky. It took be at least 10 minutes to find it so that's an indication of how small, and how up it was. It...
Whenever i do a three point turn and then drive off ( usually in the morning when i am leaving to go to work ) - a few seconds later there is a single 'ping' type sound coming from the rear of the car...
Not sure if there is a collective name for a group of starlings? Anyway, I have a "squabble of starlings" fighting on the fat ball holders at my back door. There must be at least 20 young starlings...
Popped to bathroom, for a little tiddle...peeped in the mirror, me ruddy eyebrows have buggered off, not a hair, or a whisker in sight. What the flip has happened?
Can anyone help me please. I have found a silver coin with the appearance of the old shilling, but it is dated 1896(reign of Victoria) and relates to GeorgeIV who died in the late 1820s!How can this... London is noted for gang killings, but this one involved Turkish gangs, how come they are in this country in the first place, Turkey isn't in the...
went to get strawberries(pick your own)as the farm shop had closed,i asked 'why' and the reply was they couldn't get staff to work in it .so it was a shame,as so many people are unemployed,i...