Can anyone give me the links please? I have the words but can't link them. SPIN,PLACE,CUP,BRAIN. TAIL,KING,STORM,FIRE. Is there a cupking? A king-cup? Am I missing something? Thanks all and have a...
Hi everyone - a couple of people have asked for the puzzles from the Mail On Sunday & Sunday Express, so I've taken the liberty of putting all the PDFs here, so anyone without their paper can dive in....
9D Here we go - in the market for a gift st the present time, you'll hear this from FAI - right? ( 9,4 ) It's Christmas ???? (BALL?) 1A Noel found in the garden a blooming bear's foot - the commoners...
7d. Does the England cricketer neither walk nor gallop? (5) T(?)--T-. 4d. Cycling coach from a north Dublin suburb? (6) ---T--. 38d. It's only one for Eamon (4) --M-. 47d. Sale of big fish (6) ------....
Reviews good books by loud French dandy (4)???F
Dorothys friend is taking ecstasy to celebrate (7) L???I?E
Is coy talking to Royal welcomed by Cork swimmers (3,4) K?I ?A?P is it KOI CARP...