Me and my partner are looking to buy a dog. What breeds are the most loyal with the best personality. Im only small so big dogs are out the question. Also any dog names suggestions would be good as i...
My kids are desparate for a dog and I thought we'd settled on a cocker spaniel after seeing our neighbours' which is really calm and loves being cuddled, he just sits in the garden as good as gold and...
After watching a programme on brand snobbery a few weeks ago I have been stopping from reaching for the "high value brand " and trying the supermarket value brands, I have saved loads of money and had...
has anyone tried the atkins diet and was it any good? what were the positive and the negatives? also im finding it unclear as to wether you are able to consume lentils, they are high in protein but i...
Hello everyone ! :-) can one or two of you lovely gardenig folk help me please ?? a simple question. when and how deep should i plant crocus bulbs ?? im not interested in creating anything decorative,...
For those that have been following my (should i say my wife's) endless hastles and have given us endless help and advice since she resigned from her care home job, i'd like to tank you all and give an...
I have purchased 5 red maple seeds of a website they appear to be of the dried variety i have since heard that it is best to use fresh seeds would i be wasting my time using these dried seeds?
5 months ago my family became the proud owners of an eight week old springer spaniel puppy, wot a joy she has been to have. She is coming on with her training, she is very eager to please, great fun...
I was recently stopped on the road doing 80mph in a 30 zone. I have no insurance, tax or M.O.T. I passed my test 6 moths ago and bought a cheap car but could not afford to buy any of these things. I...
I know i'm a pain the backside but i really need your help again. We're taking my wife's ex boss to the small claims court for non payment of wages. I filled out the papers and gave them in yesterday...
There are reports today that Nigella Lawson the cook, is putting on weight and indulging in calorie laden recipies and constantly eating. crude remarks of her expanding waistline and comments of...
not sure if this is the right place to post but can anyone give me any information about tropical aquariums. think you possibly have to change the filters every four week at a cost. is this really...
Do you have one? Or know someone with one? I've just changed my ring from a 2.4mm ring to a 4mm ring. Feels massive but looks cool. Lol. Not nearly as painful as the original piercing...but much...
It looks like i'm going to be taking my wife's ex employer to court for non payment of wages. We've written to them twice giving deadlines each time to pay up and the latest deadline passes on monday....
One moment we are being told by the 'health experts' that a few glasses of red wine each day is good for you. However, the latest news is that more than seven glasses a week can cause all sorts of...