Just had this in Malaysian restaurant and it was fantastic. Can anyone please let me know if they have a recipe for it or know what spices are in the mixture. thx hope19
8a On French col.eclipse visible S?????? 53a Canon imprisoned English chaps in here? ?????e?t 66a Flyers are turned round,then nothings heard. A???????S
stuck; 14a Forget his free offer-dental examination not recommended. ??f?????? 24a Pack gift without a second thought. K??????? 51d With seasonal spirt,gathering round,will show good grace. ???????
Can someone help with my last Few? 22a Comfort in sorrow,misfortune or trouble ---a-e 21d Lunacy,madness,mistake - --L- 20d Inane,insipid,mawkish d-i--- Also is 16d Largesse Generous bestowal of...
9 a. Pens and paper settled for the auditor 3D Saucy stuff-going topless in a strange country 6D The worm is drunk 26a But does he understand the inside information? Thx
7 down-Players forbidden,reportedly,to head the ball 30 across-A first-class return to island capital -p-a 11 across-Recoil when first cockroach drops in drink
3 across-vigorously plies dirty trade 13 across-deliver love letters?This can be criminal 18 down-Fliers taking route over high hills 22 across-A chart must be withdrawn-girl held this veiw 20...
help; 1 down-The practice of creating and maintaining a good corporative image? Public? -e---i-- 22 across-Detested person or thing? 8 letters. 17 down-Yearly book or calendar? _l_a___ thx
Help please 12 across-on course to play the second half after this? N-n-h 28across-Kick-start the human race into longer life? T-r-l- 19 across-Afternoon paper? E-a-