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Ban bad government's rascal 8 letters? ?a?a???d
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Question 10 Across Runagram crossword page 10 - Take a Break Take a Crossword  Clue is Team advise lovely islands in Indian ocean
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Last one, probably really obvious - but cannot see how the answer relates to the clue. Attendant longs to depart alongside (4) [_ I _ E] Think the answer is either AIDE or SIDE, but cannot justify...
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How to use Tesco delivery slots on their shopping online website...
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Does anyone know if you can delete you Tesco online shopping account? Is there a way to do it from your account?...
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I want to permanently close my Holland & Barrett online account. There is nothing on site on how to do this....
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Very late last night...1am to be exact...I decided to check the Boots site for something. There was a virtual queue...of over 6,000! Unfortunately it wasn't even possible to browse or check whether...
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Not sure if this is the right section but here goes. I expect hairdressers will close shortly if they have not closed already. Can anyone recommend an easy to apply hair dye to cover grey hair ? I...
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There was a version of this song, not the usual operatic one, in a film ( I think from the late 30s) where a French nightclub sings it, without all the usual operatic fiddly bits, and it was...
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She has used herbal essences last time. She takes meds too...
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2 down All-out (4-5 letters)

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