I had a root canal and crown fitted 2 years ago costing £500 and I keep getting an abcess under it has anyone got a solution other than having it out at more exspense
I'd be very grateful for help with these last 3 books/authors. I've spend ages on the internet, but am drawing a blank. Thank you!
1) TCP by AW
2) CCM by LDB
3) TL-SR by LRB...
In the corner of my mouth there is a sore area about the size of little fingernail and it is driving me mad. About a month ago I noticed a small red area in the corner of my mouth (right hand side -...
About 15 years ago my dentist sent me to the hospital for a biopsy as the base of my mouth had a few 'unusual' white lines. The biopsy was negative. However I have recently noticed that now I have 3,...
I had four front lower teeth removed last Thursday and would like to know when should I put my false molars in without doing harm to the stitches or hurting myself, cus I`m living on mashed food like...
Last Tuesday I went to the dentist and she found an abcess which had been causing pain. She pulled the tooth which unfortunately shattered. She assured me however she had removed all the bits of the...
Hi all I went to give blood last week, but after having a blood test, I was told my blood count was too low. My haemoglobin level was 105 and the acceptance level is 125.. now to me that doesnt sound...
How do the NHS dentist payments work? I know that there are 3 bands of payments, but say if you need 3 teeth extracted...is that 1x payment for each teeth?
I have had a real sore tooth for past couple of days, I bit on a pen quite hard (I know really bad) and since its been quite tender when anything comes in contact with it, I went to dentist today and...
Morning, I have woken up today with what seems like a swollen gland but under my chin. I do get swollen glands on my neck a lot but never under my chin. Is this what it could be?
I have enamel erosion and am considering getting some treatment from the dentist. Previously (some time ago) I had it done on one tooth - they painted a liquid onto the tooth surface and let it harden...
I'd be very grateful if someone could help as I've just bought this game, but have no 'manual' to go with it. I've worked out how to do most actions, but I am stuck with one....... What keyboard or...
These clues are for place names which could be countries, cities or towns. E.g. meadow full of cooks is Sheffield. 1. Where Batman Buys his outfit. 2. A letter and a number. 3. Shop selling ready to...