How does it work when someone uses a stolen credit card on line, And doesn't get caught? I ask because an elderly neighbour of ours lost his wallet with £70.00 in it. He managed to stop the credit...
I was gobsmacked this morning when a reporter on the BBC News was in Bethlehem, talking about all the tourists starting to arrive in Manger Square 'some of them wearing Santa hats'!...
Can we find some Goblins on the HS2 route please?... Why in a Christian country are some fearing to admit their faith in... What a wonderful piece of scum this is, how low can you get? And what's the betting she has a string of convictions as...
Well? What is the point of the European Union?... He looks like a muppet....but is as dangerous as an AK47 another country they want to remove any individuality it has and destroy its borders and...
Just to let people know, Anjem Choudary is just about to be interviewed
on the Today program. Given this chaps previous stance on Islamic extremism, it should make interesting listening !...
"We need to ask you to complete a short and brief step to securing and validating your account information. Click here to complete validation..." This is supposed to be about my Apple account. I don't...
National Geographic Channel on Sunday ! See link below.. Whatever next ? lol lol I have my own Theories as to where it might have gone, wondering if Goodlife or any other Aber can shed some light on...
Germany's Chancellor Merkel (centre) wants more centralised powers in the eurozone
I bet she does, saves the fuel in the Panzers this time....
IDS, walked out of a debate on poverty while Tory MPs were laughing and jeering about poor people using food banks and end of day left overs at supermarkets,He and they showed complete contempt for...
"When the Legend becomes the Truth; believe the Legend" from the credits for 'The Man who shot Liberty Vallance". Anyone got any other that appear very relevant. e.g. Heard via Chris Evans Show this... Not me. Always thought they looked and felt cheap and just...wrong, somehow. According to the reports, a large majority of those surveyed favoured them,...