2d dance with Chris who's disheartened by girl ?a?a?t?l?a also 3d girl set fire to one cauht by irregular force ?i?i?i?; and 22a opening for short entertainer v?n?
17d pilot to flick blank page?l?l??? 14d adaptable French poetry on a slab ?e?s???l?, 23a physical soldier captures enemy leader ?o?p?r???. thanks for your help!
17d resort with pale green surround ?w???g?; also 22a easily washed off when new like a lolly ??n?t??? and 20d even ignored sack I found with twig ???o? thanks for your help!
11a bird, not very big to study hair analysis t?????????; 9d town and city runners ???s?e?f?e??; and 10a shift fifty in bad weather ????; thanks for your help!
10a nine turn back to anvil's whereabouts ?n?e? e??; 4d bird and salmon eaten by pig ?p???o?; 13d aristocratic group captain rounding Rhode Island ?a?r?c?a?; and 17d commissionaire not old though...
17d drive round a brassy sound o?m?a?; 13d helping with work so without amplification ?r?o?o?i?; and 2d when odour's around, look sad ?o?o?o?s; thanks for your help!
sorry still can finish it: 52a formally appealed for last of white material ??e?e; 52d give directions to uppish opponent loudly and chase away ??e off; 57a sitcom from further south e???a? and...
26a careworn crone to protect sound ???g?r? 27d tree with less on top, polled ????r 33a notes about a substance from river ??n?b? 46a demanded medical treatment l?i??? and 47d taught journalist to see...