Trying to find titles Maybe B&W U.S college / university series, the Principal was a short British actor with very precise diction. Always wore a bow tie. In one epiode he punished a student by...
...Our washing machine is now making such a noise the time has come to replace it.Mrs Janz and me (just we two) want 'build quality' over 'bells and whistles',our budget is up to £350..There are so...
...My phone is a Samsung Galaxy Ace GTS 5830i.Can someone tell me how to clear the nearly full internal memory and how can I utilise the sd card instead of the memory.Many thanks for any help.
I've been telling Mr BM for ages that he needs to get his eyes tested. He's OK at distances, but can't read stuff close up (eg at a carol concert on Sunday in candlelight, he was having real...
Takes a few seconds to download and to scan. It opens (hopefully) in windows media...
Can anyone remember the title of a film in which the plot was to con a rural betting shop owner. The gang intersepted and delayed the commentry and results coming in from the course and then placed...
we have an old p/c and a new laptop, as the old machine keeps switching itself on and off, we think it's time to replace it. Now here's the question, should we buy a new laptop or replace the tower (I...
I have been a bit poorly lately and sleep has been hard to come by. During last night's wondering brainstorm (that's what I call it) it occurred to me that words with 2 u's, in the main, tend to bring...
I watched it last night when I got home from the footie last night, and I couldn't believe what I was watching. An utterly vacuous creature called Chelsea, (from TOWIE I think), was exhibiting all the...
good morning everyone. hope you are all well. i have not go up early to do something exciting. i just could t sleep. hope you are doing better than i am. think i may wander off back to bed soon to...
So sorry to hear of the death of Clive Dunn, - the programme Dad's Army still makes me laugh every time I see it, which can not alawys be said of today's humour
The current hoo-ha of United States elections led me to look for the meanings of 'democracy' and 'republicanism'. Try it - if you’re prepared to be confused! One explanation I found was that...